
We will be celebrating each child’s birthday during the school year. I will assign them a special day as close to their real birthday as possible or a special un-birthday for our kiddos with summer birthdays. On this day they will be able to bring a special treat for snack time.

Calendar and newsletter:

I will be sending home a printed school calendar and newsletter each month. This will cover the theme, snacks, birthdays, field trips, show and tell, and other important things that will be happening throughout the month.  Please read over it carefully at the beginning of each month and refer to it as necessary.

Drop-off and Pick-up:

The preschool entrance is in the back of the house. Your child will come in and find his/her cubby, hang up their backpack, take off their shoes and get ready to start the day. After school for pick-up, I will walk your child outside. Please wait for your child in the cul-de-sac and not in the driveway. At both drop-off and pick-up we want the driveway to be a car free zone and a safe place for your child to be. 

Field Trips:

We will be going on quite a few field trips throughout the year.  The dates and times will be posted on the monthly calendar. If you are not able to attend with your child, I will be passing out permission slips that will allow your child to ride with another parent. The kids look forward to field trips so much and are a very beneficial part of the preschool experience. 


Please check the monthly calendar for any days that we might not have preschool.  In addition to the holidays I also observe any teacher contract days that Davis School District observes.

Injury and illness:

The preschool will not be responsible for injuries that happen during school.  I do all I can to provide a safe atmosphere, however, accidents may happen. If your child is ill please keep him/her home.  It is not fair to students to be around a sick child.  If your child is dropped off and is not feeling well, we will notify you immediately to come and get him/her (This includes coughs and runny noses). If your child starts feeling ill while they are at school, I will call you and ask you to come and pick them up.  


Your child won’t be bringing home a lot of work from Tiny Giants. Most of what we do is not a product that will fit in a backpack. However, I will be taking lots of pictures that will help document all of the learning. For $20 I will compile all of these pictures and your child’s artwork into a portfolio at the end of the year. This is a great keepsake. If you would not like to purchase a portfolio I will send home all the photos and artwork home in an envelope.

Registration and Tuition:

You can register and pay tuition on our website (though PayPal -, Venmo (@Missy-Drechsler) or in person (checks make out to Missy Drechsler). Tuition is due the first Thursday of each month. There will be a $5.00 fee for each day of class that payment is late. 

Scholastic Book Orders:

I will be sending home book catalogs throughout the year. These are simply a great way to build your home library. No pressure to buy whatsoever. If you would like some books, just get your order to me before the end of the month. I will order all the books and send them home with your child once they arrive.

School Cancellations:

Please be aware that on rare occasion preschool might have to be canceled. This could be due to severe weather or if I am ill. I will do my best to give you plenty of notice. 

Show and Tell:

This activity provides an opportunity for your child to practice so many life skills. We will have time for show and tell every Thursday. If your child would like to bring something, please limit this to one item. I can’t wait to see what they have to share.


Your child will have the chance to share a snack with their classmates about once a month. Your assigned day will be on the newsletter. Snack time is a big part of the day for your child and they look forward to “their snack day”. Please try and provide a healthy snack. We discuss healthy living often and this helps reinforce the ideas we teach. This is a great time for your child to try new healthy things. Many times they will try things at school that they may not be exposed or be willing to try at home. Also, please keep in mind that we will be eating in the classroom, so snacks with minimal cleanup are best.


We will be taking our shoes off once we enter the classroom so your child may want to have socks or slippers. You can send these each school day or keep them in your child’s cubby. We spend a great deal of time on the floor and this helps to keep it dry and clean. Each day we will spend time outside, unless the weather is very extreme. Please bring a coat, hat, boots, gloves, or other necessary outdoor clothing so your child will be comfortable outside. Please send your child in clothes they can learn in; children learn by making messes.